Monday, July 13, 2009

Not really sure just what this springtime plant is but thought it was worth a look.

Thought this sunset photo was worth a post.

Every now and then a really cool sunrise can be seen.

This photo shows one of the numerous thunderstorms that often develops over this area during the summer months. A recent storm showered our RV with pea size hail but only lasted 15 minutes or so. One positive benefit, a very complete wash of my truck and RV.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The parks wi-fi system has not allowed us to post any photo's for awhile, but, since it is back, for now, thought a few pics from around the area would be in order.

The view from Emory Pass looks to the N/E and sits about 8300 ft before heading back down the eastern slope.

This beautiful flower is called an Indian Paint Brush and grows wild in this region. We had a few growing right behind our rig but the local rabbits really like the taste and they did not last very long.

While driving around Mimbres valley (just outside of Silver City) came across these guys enjoying the day.

Thought a photo of this mine would be a good post as noted below.

Although not the largest, this copper mine is one of the oldest and is much larger that this photo shows.

This photo shows the campus of Western New Mexico University. Really nice setting considering this is not a large city.